Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A new blogging resolution

I've decided to try a new approach with this blog and write more about my everyday life. That way, I should manage at least something every couple of days and the more profound stuff can happen when I have the time.
Right now it is week 2 of my third (and last) undergraduate year. It is also high time I was in bed, but I have some homework that was due in yesterday and haven't done it yet, so I need to finish it before tomorrow's 9am lecture - I can always catch up on some sleep later in the morning. At least the ideas seem to be flowing a bit more freely than they have been in the half-hearted attempts I've made to do it over the last 4 days!
Other than that, the semester is shaping up very nicely indeed. More on that tomorrow, probably. Right, back to the grindstone/wieder in die Tretmühle...


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