A Good Year
I love this time of year, when every blog has a look
back at all the wonderful things that have happened, reminding me of the
highlights in my own life.
And so I feel the need to add my own thoughts about
2013! I haven’t posted recently because there honestly didn’t seem to be much
to post about. We’ve been pottering along from day to day, seemingly with very
little to report. It’s only when I look back now that I realise how much Daniel
has changed since October. He’s turned into a proper little boy, and his
language (sign and speech) has exploded so we can have quite a lot of
conversations now. He still only uses one word at a time, but can still
communicate most things that way. The biggest step was when he figured out his
own name, and then progressed to others’. He’s made up his own signs for a
couple of people whose names he can’t quite manage, and comes out with new
words every day.
The German and Hebrew have both lapsed a bit over the
last few months but haven’t disappeared completely. There came a point where I
realised I couldn’t do everything, and that was one of the things that fell by
the wayside. I’m hoping I can pick them up again soon.
So this year in review…
I got the veg patch from this
to this
We went to our first HE group.
We visited dh’s family in Israel in February and had a great time, despite me being laid out with
norovirus for several days. Haifa and Zichron
Ya’akov were definitely-visit-again highlights. Daniel also got to meet his
great-grandmother, who sadly passed away during Chanukah a month ago.
Daniel learned to climb
and started Forest School.
He turned 1, complete with Very Hungry Caterpillar
and discovered gardening
and water.
A group of us started our own HE group.
I learned to sew.
and Daniel learned to climb into the oddest places.
We harvested veg
and discovered tea (white, black, herbal - he's not fussy!)
Chanukah came and went
knife skills were honed
and Christmas brought good things
books were read (and why not in the tea towel drawer
if it’s comfortable?)
and I filmed a Cued Speech version of The Gruffalo in
I also took part in a workshop to learn French Cued
Speech, so if I put in a bit of practice I could be a trilingual cuer! Nothing
special in France
or Switzerland but almost unheard-of in the UK .
So that was 2013! There was quite a lot of work too, but more on that another time. Here's hoping 2014 is as good...